Speech 2024

My Speech:

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you watched TV for too long? A television is a system using radio waves to produce a view of scenes or events on a screen. I believe that everyone shouldn’t watch TV for a long time. My reasons are as follows; TV will make you become a couch potato, it will affect your eyes and it’s bad for your learning if you watch the wrong stuff. 

Firstly, watching too much TV will make you become a couch potato and it won’t be good for you. Too much time in front of a TV on a couch could lead to obesity.  We need exercise. We really should think about our body. Getting out and exercising will make you have more energy, make you feel better and give you vitamin D. I think you should also go outside  and take bush walks daily on the weekend, as well as walks you could go on 30 minute runs through your hometown. 

Secondly, It will affect your eyes and ‘make them go square.’ Now you have probably heard that from your Mum and Dad. Well actually watching too much TV won’t make your eyes square but it can cause eye strain which is not good for your eyes. Having a timer on is a great idea as it will remind you to turn the TV off and do something else. Did you know that you can also suffer from headaches and sometimes that headache could lead to vomiting.

Finally, if you watch the wrong stuff when you are being homeschooled and you go onto youtube and youtubers do dangerous and silly stuff you might actually copy them.Watching anything bad is not okay with your behavior. If your still saying that you watch the wrong stuff then you are wrong. Here’s an example: if the youtubers said bad language you would copy them,and if they did something dangerous you would do something dangerous.You wouldn’t want to end up in hospital and if you get really injured you would have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Well folks, I think you understand the reasons why I believe that you shouldn’t watch TV all day. You need to be outside in the sunshine. Too much TV will make you become a couch potato, it will affect your eyes and it will affect your behavior if you watch the wrong stuff. 

Positive feedback I received:

I had a clear voice.

I had good eye contact.

Manaiakalani stories

We have been learning about Manaiakalani with Whaea Rebecca and we have created a video about the story and we are now sharing our slides about Manaiakalani.

Learn- we learnt about Maui and the Manaiakalani stars,

Create- we created some slides about Maui and the Manaiakalani stars Share- we are now sharing our slides on our blog.